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Part 2
TODAY shows the date in the date format as set with Date Format option in the
Set menu, or as set by the DATEBASE command. If your computer has a real-time
clock or you have set the systeme date, TODAY gives the current date.
Otherwise, it gives the default system date.
TODAY holds the date as a julian date number. Superbase automatically
translates this into the current date format when you display the date using?
2 datefield=TODAY
Trims trailing spaces from a string or a text field.
This returns the string consisting of the original string specified by
strexpr with any trailing spaces eliminated.
1 stringfieldc=TRIM$(textfielda)
2 x$=TRIM$(textfieldc.filea)
3 ? LEN(x$);LEN(TRIM$(x$)
Returns the upper case equivalent of a text string or a text field.
UCASE$ returns the upper case equivalent of the lowercase alphabet;no other
characters, including those already in upper case, are affected.
The complementary function of UCASE$ is UCASE$.
1 textfieldc=UCASE$(textfielda)
2 x$=UCASE$(y$)
If you wish to set the first letter of a string to upper case, leaving the rest
in lower case, you can so using the FCASE$ function.
Performs a relational update.
UPDATE[calclist] [WHERE conditions] [END UPDATE]
UPDATE on its own runs the update in memory. This may have been loaded from
disk with the LOAD UPDATE command, or it may have been created in the same
session using the Process menu option Update Edit. By specifying calclist and
conditions, you can also use UPDATE to define an update and then run it.
calclist corresponds to command line set in the Update Fields dialog;
conditions corresponds to the filter which is set in the Update Filter dialog.
The first specifies how the records are updated, the second specifies which
records are to be updated.
WHERE conditions and calclist should be entered as separate statements, either
on the same line as UPDATE separated by colons, or on separate lines. They
form part of an Update program section, headed by the UPDATE command and
ending with END UPDATE.
The END UPDATE command must be included if the Update section is followed by
other statements in a program. Otherwise Superbase will regard these as
belonging to the Update section. As an alternative to using this command, you
can terminate the section with a colon or a blank line.
UPDATE is a multi-file command, so both conditions and calclist can refer to
more than one file. In this case, the first condition in the update filter
must establish a join between two files.
Loads the Update file Newrate from disk, and then runs it.
WHERE Product_Code.Orders=Product_Code.Stock AND
Order_date "15 July 1987"
Updates prices in the Orders file on the basis of the price details in the
Stock file.
Returns the numeric value of a text string.
The function returns the numeric value of the number(if any)in the lefthand
end of the string or substring specified in strexpr. In cases where strexpr
does not contain a number or where the leftmost character of strexpr is not
numeric, the function returns 0.
The complementary function of VAL is STR$
1 numfieldc=VAL(textfielda)
2 numfieldc=VAL(RIGHT$(textfielda, 8))
3 VAL(textfielda) > 1 AND VAL(RIGHT$(textfielda, 4) > 0
4 x%=VAL("12.45A456")
5 x%=VAL(x$)
Displays the current record in the current file.
Allows the user to see the current record in the current file in the view
format specified by the SET view mode command. It can also be used to
redisplay the current Form.
Waits for a specified time or until a key is pressed.
WAIT [FOR time]/[FOR nexp] [var/field]
Wait waits for a given number of seconds(FOR nexp)or until a given time(FOR
FOR nexp implies 'wait for nexp seconds'.
FOR time implies 'eait until the system clock reached time', where the time
is given in the current time format.
FOR var/field implies 'wait until a key is pressed, and then place it in var
or field'. If you follow WAIT with a numeric variable or numeric field, it
will only accept a number. In other word, pressing any key except the keys
with the digits 0 to 9, will have no effect.
Waits for 3 seconds.
2 WAIT FOR 10:20:30
Wait until 10:20 am.
3 WAIT x$
Waits for a single key stroke and puts it in x$.
Set the filter conditions for a query or a report.
WHERE conditions
WHERE is the program equivalent of the Filter command line in a query
definition, and can only be used within a section that is headed by the query
SELECT command. You can use WHERE to set a filter on the fields selected for
report output or for other query applications, such as sorting, merging files,
or simply retrieving data with query that has been saved to disk.
conditions takes the same form as the Filter command line in the query
definition dialog(see Chapter 11, Volume 1). WHERE is a multi-file filter
command - unlike the record selection command SELECT WHERE - and if it used
for this purpose, the join between two files must be placed at the beginning
of the statement, as in:
WHERE Lastname.Clients=Lastname.Deposits
Any subsidiary conditions can then be added to the line using the AND operator.
1 SELECT Firstname.Clients, Lastname.Clients, Bank, Amount
WHERE Lastname.Clients=Lastname.Deposits AND
Lastname.Clients LIKE "[d-3]*"
ORDER Lastname.Clients
2 WHERE Price > = 50 AND Price < = 100
3 WHERE Lastname LIKE ["a-c"*] AND NOT (Country=USA)
In the first exampe, WHERE is used to set up a multi-file filter. It selects
only those clients whose details are also stored in the Deposits file and
whose last name initial falls in the range A to C. Note that file extension
must be given for Lastname since the field occurs in both the Clients file
and the Deposits file; the Bank and Amount fields do not require an extension
name since they only occur in the Deposits file. The other two examples show
WHERE in use as a single file filter command.
Executes a series of instructions as long as the specified conditions are true.
WHILE exp statements WEND
WHILE and WEND set up a loop, in which the statement in between are executed
repeatedly for as long as the expression following WHILE is true. When the
expression is not true, execution resumes with the first statement after WEND.
1 OPEN FILE "Address"
WHILE NOT EOF("Address")
2 WHILE NOT EOF(*"):INPUT &1, a$:? a$:WEND
Returns a numeric value for the year from a julian date number.
The function is only valid for dates from 1 January 1 to the end of December
9999. Consequently nexpr is only valid in the range 1 to 3652048. If nexpr
is 0 then the number returned is 0. If nexpr is negative the results are
unpredictable. Associated date functions are DATE$ DAY DAYS DAY$ MONTH
1 numfieldc=YEAR(datefielda)
2 numfieldc=YEAR(datefielda + 90)
3 numfieldc=YEAR(TODAY)
4 x%=YEAR(datefielda + VAL(textfielda))
5 x%=YEAR(DAYS("11 Jan 85")
6 ? YEAR(datefielda + 30)
7 YEAR(datefielda)=1986
Example 3 provides a calculation to insert the month number of the system
date into a numeric field. Example 7 provides a filter to pick out all the
dates in datefields which fall in the year 1986.
RUN [filename]
Execute program, optionally loading from disk
CHAIN filename
Execute program without clearing variables
Clear program or text area
Allow user to edit program, text, query or update
Load program, text, file, function key list, query or update
Save program, text file, function key list, query or update
PROTECT [filename]
Save the current program in encrypted form
CALL function
Call a user supplied function
Set or clear debug flag
Set or clear user stop enabled
Exit Superbase system
KEY keynum [, string]
Set keynum to string or clear it
LIST filename
List any system file to screen
DELETE filename
Delete any system file
RENAME old filename [, TO] new filename
COPY from filename [, TO] to filename
Copy any system file
NUMBASE string
Set default numeric format
Set default date format
Change directory to path
Set view according to parameter
Set paging
Set number of cache buffers to use
[LET] var/field=exp
Assign value of expression to variable or field
ERASE varlist
Remove a variable from memory
Clear all system variables
READ var/field [, var/field]
Read data into variables or fields from data pointer
DATA constant [, constant]...
Specify data for READ statement
RESTORE [label]
Move data pointer to specified position or home
REM text
Non executable comment line
EXECUTE string
Execute text string as though command
DIM array variable
Set array dimensions
FOR var=nexp TO nexp [STEP nexp]statements NEXT [var]
Repeat program lines a number of times
GOSUB label
Call a procedure or subroutine
GOTO label
Call a procedure or subroutine
GOTO label
Branch to the specified label
Specify procedure to be followed on error condition
ON nexp GOTO label [, label]...
Branch to statement or label in list
ON nexp GOSUB label [, label]...
Call procedure or subroutine in list
Return from procedure or subroutine execution
RESUME [NEXT / label]
Resuume execution after error at next or specified position
Terminate execution of application
WHILE expr
Perform following commands if expression true
Mark end of while command sequence
IF exp THEN statement/label [ELSE statement/label]
Cont file
View record in the current file
Record selection commands
SELECT FIRST [FILE sbfname] [INDEX index]
Select the first record in key sequence
SELECT LAST [FILE sbfname] [INDEX index]
Select the last record in key sequence
SELECT NEXT [FILE sbfname] [INDEX index]
Select the next record in key sequence
Select the previous record in key sequence
Select the current record in key sequence
Select the next record with the same key
Remove the current record in selected file
SELECT KEY string [FILE sbfname] [INDEX index]
Select the first record with index matching string
SELECT WHERE [FILE sbfname] [conditions]
Select the first record matching conditions or clear conditions
SELECT field parms [WHERE parms] [REPORT parms] [ORDER parms]
[SAY]/[TO PRINTER/filename/FILE sbfname] [END SELECT]
Query language command
UPDATE calc list [WHERE conditions] [END UPDATE]
Perform relational update
REMOVE FROM FILE sbfname WHERE conditions
Remove records matching conditions
IMPORT filename [[TO] FILE sbfname] [WHERE conditions] [USING parms]
Import external text file to superbase
EXPORT [FILE sbfname] [INDEX index] [TO] filename [WHERE
conditions [USING parms]
Export to external file
LABELS [FILE sbfname] [WHERE conditions] [USING labelstring]
Print labels as per label definition
MERGE [TEXT filename [WHERE conditions]
Load text file and mail merge
SHOW field/strexpr
Show external field
Open sequential file for input/output
Position in sequential file
INPUT [&nexp/LINE] var/field
Input characters or line from text file
End input/output to/from text file or comms
SET filename
Read exec or variable file and execute
GET var/field
Get character from keyboard no wait
WAIT FOR time/FOR nexp/var/field
Wait till time, for no of secs or for single key entry
ASK [string] [pos] [length] ;var/field
Get input string from user
Ring bell
Move screen output position to home
Clear output screen
EJECT [nexp]
Do new pages on print device
Do screen dump to printer
LOCATE coordinates
Set position on output device
NEWLINE [nexp]
Send newline to output device
MENU column, item, state [, text]
Set up a user defined menu
Clear user-defined menu
MENU ON numvar
Turn on user-defined menus, specify variable for return value
REQUEST text[, ] text[, ] type [, numvar [, textvar [, len]]]
Set up a user-defined dialog(requester)
List of variables in memory
STATUS [FILE sbfname]
Status of selected file or system
SAY [[USING pitch, mode, rate, sex, phonemes] string [, /;string...]]
Amiga only. Output string as speech
FG nexp
Set foreground colour
BG nexp
Set background colour
Set or clear underline
Set or clear italics
Set or clear bold face
Clear bold face italics and underline
Send information to selected output device
Use narrator device to speak output
List of variables in memory
Program listing in memory
? STATUS [FILE sbfname]
Status of selected file or system
Current directory listing
Text file in memory optionally mail merging
Current query statement
? exprlist
Any expression list
Specify statements to execute on page heading
Specify statements to execute on page footing
REPORT total list
Set report totals, means and count
Specify before report activity
Specify after report activity
End of report specifications
GROUP field total list
Specify subtotal break field and subtotals, means and counts for group
BEFORE GROUP statements
Specify before group activity
AFTER GROUP statements
Specify after group activity
End of group specifications
Close current form
OPEN FORM formname
Load a form into memory
FORM [, page [, row [, column]]]]
Specify page for current and top left-hand corner
ENTER [FORM view name] [field list
Enter data into fields through view form
Modulo arithmetic
Pattern matching case insensitive equality
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Sign of variable
Integer portion of variable
Absolute value of variable
Square root
Random number
FIX(x, y)
Fix decimal precision of value
Return free memory size
Return free disk space
Return number of records in file
Return serial number of specified file
Return current screen row
Return current screen column
Return current printer row
Return current printer column
Return if at end of file
Return result of last search
LOOKUP(value, fld)
Return if value exists in file(indexed field)
Length of string
STR$(x[[, y] [, z] / [, numformat]])
String from number with optional format
Value of string
Ascii value of character
String value of character
LEFT$(x$, nexp)
Left portion of string
RIGHT$(x$, nexp)
Right portion of string
MID$(x$, nexp [, nexp])
Mid portion of string
Numeric value of date
DATE$(nexp [, dform])
Date string from numeric using optional format
Numeric day value of date
Day of week from date
Numeric month value of date
Month string from date
Numeric year value of date
Numeric value of time
TIME$(nexp [, tformat])
Time string from numeric using optional time format
Number of hours from time
Number of minutes from time
Number of seconds from time
Number of thousandths of second from time
Convert string to lower case
Convert string to upper case
Capitalize first letter of string
Trim trailing spaces from x$
Trim leading spaces from x$
INSTR([n, ]x$, y$)
Find position of substring y$ in x$
REPLICATE(x$, nexp)
Replicate character expression n times
Return string with n spaces
Returns error message for error number n
Return system date
Return system time
Return current error number
Return value of pi
Fieldname; Field.file; Field. "file"
X% or X$(nexp[[, nexp] [, nexp]])
Using Superbase Personal Files
Superbase Personal is upwardly compatible with Superbase
Professional; so if you have upgraded from one to the other, you
can use any of the files that you created in Superbase Personal.
(It doesn't work the other way round: Professional files cannot
be loaded into Superbase Personal.)
However, there a number of differences in the way the two
programs store file data. You should take these into account when
you are loading Personal files into Professional. When you save
the files, Superbase Professional will automatically convert them
to its own format. But in some cases you may need to edit your
Personal files before you can use them.
Here is a checklist of the points to bear in mind when converting
files from Personal to Professional:
* Professional query files include the details of any database
files associated with a query and these files are opened
automatically when the query is loaded. If you use a Personal
query in Professional, you will need to open the database
files yourself before loading the query. Then save the query
in order to convert it to the Superbase Professional query
* Although Superbase Personal does not offer a Constant field
type, it allows you to create a special type of calculation
formula which acts like a constant formula. For example, if
you define a single word formula such as "London" or TODAY it
will have the same effect as the equivalent constant formula
in Superbase Professional. When you load a Personal file into
Professional, calculated fields will be defined as CLC RDO
fields. If they were originally intended to act as constants,
you should change the CLC attribute to CON by selecting Edit
File and editing the file definition. You may also want to
remove the Read Only attribute.
* The list of words that are reserved for the use of the system
is more extensive in Superbase Professional than in Superbase
Personal (see the section on Reserved Words further on in this
document). As a result, you may find that some of the field
names in your Personal files are treated as reserved words in
Superbase Professional. For example, Professional offers a
large of number of new functions such as YEAR and HRS. If you
have used YEAR as a field name, it would now become invalid.
Before loading a Personal file, check that the field names are
valid; if they are not, change them by editing the file
Edit Form
The Project menu option, Edit Form, runs the Forms Editor as an
additional task if it is not already in memory, provided there is
sufficient RAM capacity. If you have opened a form in Superbase, you
can use this option to edit it in the Forms Editor and then return to
For Edit Form to work, Superbase must be able to locate the Forms
Editor program. First it looks for the program in the current directory
and then in the root directory of the current device. If this fails,
Superbase will look in the parameters directory as specified in the
Options dialog. If the Forms Editor still cannot be found, Superbase
will assume that it resides on a disk with the volume name SBFORMED:.
If this disk is not present in the system, and you have not used the
CLI ASSIGN command to specify the location of SBFORMED:, then an
AmigaDOS requester will prompt you to insert it.
If the Forms Editor is already running when you select Edit Form,
then the Forms Editor window is pulled to the front and made active.
The current form in Superbase will also be selected for editing. To
Return to Superbase you can use the depth arrangement gadget to push
the Forms Editor screen to the back.
The primary application for Reorganize is as described in the User
Guide. It allows you to reclaim disk space after deleting records
from a file, and makes disk operations with the file more efficient.
This option can also be used to recover records after their data has
been corrupted; i.e., when an attempt to open a file produces a disk
error message. Reorganize steps over any errors it finds in a file and
retrieves as many valid records as it can. The records which have been
damaged will be lost when the new file is created so Superbase informs
the user with the message: "New file has different record count".
There may also be circumstances in which Reorganize can be used to
recover data which could not be accessed before. For example, if you
turned off the computer after storing new records in Batch mode, the
details of these records would not be stored in the file header.
Reorganize rewrites the file header so that the records are included
in the new file. In this case, it issues another error message (as
well as the one above):
"Source file size incorrect in header".
Note that the manual suggests that the best way to recover data from a
disk error is to Export the remaining records and then import them to a
new file. This method has now been superseded by Reorganize.
Using the Lookup Function
There are several points to note in connection with the LOOKUP function:
* When you are creating a validation formula (in a file definition) that
uses LOOKUP, you should always enter the function's arguments by typing
them into the box at the bottom of the validation dialog. In other words,
even if your LOOKUP formula contains a field which is shown in the field
list above, you should type the field name into the box instead of
clicking on it.
* It is important to include the file name as an extension to any field
name used with LOOKUP. This applies to all fields irres
pective of whether their names are unique to one file or not. For example:
LOOKUP(Forename.Address, Firstname.Customers)
is correct, while:
LOOKUP(Forename, Firstname)
may cause problems.
* LOOKUP will not work correctly with date/time and numeric fields that
have null values -- i.e., fields that have been left blank. If you wish
to use LOOKUP on fields of this type you must force the first argument to
give a null value when empty. For example LTRIM$(DATE$(date field)) will
give a null string when the `date field' is empty.
Amiga Requester Default Keys
Many of the dialogs in the Amiga version of Superbase accept Return and
Escape as keyboard equivalents to clicking on the OK or Cancel buttons.
Press the Return key to select OK, press the Escape key for Cancel. In
cases where a casual OK might be destructive, Superbase does not allow
the Return key equivalent.
Keyboard Equivalents
In addition to the keyboard equivalents described in the User Guide,
Superbase also provides the following:
Alt/Amiga B Toggles Bold (text style) on and off in the Text Editor
Alt/Amiga U Toggles Underline on and off
Alt/Amiga I Toggles Italic on and off
Alt/Amiga P Toggles Plain on, bold, italic, and underline off
Alt/Amiga B Toggles Batch mode on and off (this option is only
available when the database window is active,
otherwise Alt/Amiga B acts as a keyboard equivalent
for the Bold text style)
Alt/Amiga A Select the program command line window --equivalent
to selecting Command from the Program menu.
Note that `Amiga' indicates the right Amiga key.
The keyboard equivalent for Set Paging, Alt/Amiga P, is no longer available.
New Editing Controls
Two new controls have now been provided to allow the user to copy lines
in the Program Editor and Text Editor. CTRL L is used to select the line
you wish to copy; move the cursor to any point on the line and press CTRL L.
CTRL R inserts a copy of the line that has previously been selected with
CTRL L; move the cursor to the point in the program or document where the
line is to be inserted and press CTRL L. A copy of the line will then be
inserted below the cursor.
Current Record Button
By now you will have noticed that the current record button on the Control
panel does not agree with the illustration in the User Guide on page 1-8.
Whereas the guide shows a single triangle (as in Superbase Personal),
the program now has two triangles pointing in opposite directions from
each other.
The reason for this is that, in Superbase Professional, the button has
two functions. As well as acting as the current record button, it also
allows you to change current page in a multi-page form. In the first
capacity, it is used to redisplay the current record after the record
data has been overwritten or removed from the screen by some other
action -- for example, by Status File. As a page selector, the same
button is used to select either the next page or the previous page.
Clicking on the right-hand triangle displays the next page, clicking
on the left-hand triangle displays the previous page.
In earlier versions of Superbase, passwords were shown on screen in the
Password dialog as you typed them in. Now, when you type in a password
in order to gain access to a file, the password is not displayed in the
Password dialog.
RAM disk support (Amiga)
Normally if you wish to use the Amiga RAM disk within a program, you
need to copy data files into the RAM disk before running the program.
With Superbase Professional, this step is unnecessary. You can load
data into the RAM disk simply by using the drive identifier RAM: when
you open a Superbase file. If the file is not already in the RAM disk,
Superbase will copy it to the disk from the current directory, and
open it at the same time.
Superbase also provides a similar service when you close the file.
It asks if you want the file to be copied back to the current directory,
i.e. to the floppy or hard disk it was originally copied from. If you
click on OK it does the job for you. Should you click on CANCEL the file
will not be copied back and you will be asked if you want to erase the
copy you have in the RAM disk. Selecting CANCEL will leave the RAM copy
(Note that if you open an existing file on RAM disk which has not been
put there by Superbase then when you close that file Superbase will not
ask you if you wish to copy it back.)
As an example, suppose the Address file is stored on the disk in drive
DF1: and the current directory is DF1:. To open this file from the RAM
disk you would select the Open File option on the Project menu and then
You can now work on the file in the normal way -- retrieve data, edit data,
remove records, and so on -- with the advantage that file operations using
a RAM disk are much faster than they are on a physical disk. Remember to
close the file at the end of a session so that any changes you have made
can be saved permanently in the directory from which it was copied.
This feature also works with other Ram disk facilities where the drive
identifier is VD0: or VDK:.
Reserved Words
It should be emphasised that the reserved word list includes all Superbase
functions even though they are not listed in Appendix C. You should bear
this in mind when you are defining a file or writing a program: many of
the DML functions have names which you might tempted to use as field or
variable names, for example HRS, DAY, MONTH, YEAR.
Note also the following keywords which should be added to the list in
Appendix C.
Graphics and Form Printing
On the Amiga, Printer on the Set menu has been extended to provide a
graphics printing option for forms. Selecting this option displays a
sub-menu with two items, Draft and Graphics. Draft works in the same
way as is described in the User Guide, Volume 1. When Draft is set,
output that appears on screen is sent to the printer as well; so if you
select the next record in the current file, its field data will be output
to the printer. If a form is in use all the text items will be printed
as well as the field data. If you wish to print the field data only then
you should set the Print Status of the text items to non-printing within
the Forms Editor.
The Graphics option can be used when you are displaying data with a
form. It prints all the graphic elements in the form -- lines, boxes,
areas, images, and so on -- together with all the data the form
displays. Data items are printed in the system font, text items are
printed in the fonts and point sizes which were set in the Forms
Editor. However, Superbase will also take into account the Print
Status of an item as set in the Forms Editor.
On a 512K Amiga, you will only be able to print four colour forms in
either draft or graphics modes.
Using Superbase as a Relational System
Although it is impossible to describe the principles of
relational database design in this document, most users will
benefit from an abbreviated account of some of the more important
When you are contemplating the basic design of a relational
database application, there are three key considerations:
1. Establishing relationships between files. Every pair of files
between which there is to be a relationship must have a field
in each file that will be used as the link between them.
These fields should be designated as key fields, preferably
with unique indexes.
2. Ensuring integrity of relational link data. At the data entry
stage, what goes into the link fields described above must be
carefully controlled. The aim is to ensure that, for example,
an account code (usually a text field) is always entered in
the same case in all files in which it is used. This is done
by setting the text field attribute for each of the link
fields to perform automatic case conversion to either upper
or lower case; obviously the conversion must be the same for
both fields. Validation formulas may also be necessary to
check the pattern of what is entered, its length, or the
range of acceptable values.
The second control on data integrity is via the LOOKUP
function. This enables the system to check what is entered
into the link field in one file against what already exists
in the link field in the other file. For example, you would
always want to check that a product was in stock before
accepting an order for it. The LOOKUP function is attached to
the link field in the file definition as a validation
formula. However, if you are using links as described in the
next paragraph, you must ensure that none of your LOOKUP
functions tries to check for a record that you are still in
the process of creating!
3. Including links in a multi-file form. If you want to design
forms which can retrieve data from more than one file, you
must use the Set Link menu option in the Forms Editor to
create the links between the files. In Set Link, you specify
the link fields described above as the master (or primary)
and secondary link fields.
At the other end of the application, you will want to retrieve
data from your relational system in the most convenient way.
There are a number of ways of doing this.
1. Browsing. Use a multi-file form with links set up as
described above. The video buttons operate in the usual way,
and you can switch files and indexes to vary the order of
retrieval. The printer may be used to obtain draft or
graphics hard copy.
2. Queries. The Process Query Edit menu option can be used to
set up multi-file queries, which may be stored on disk.
Output may include any fields from files between which a
relation is specified in the Filter, and can be sorted as you
wish. Report functions may be added, as well as limited
formatting, but output is basically columnar and non-graphic.
3. Reports. Report programs may be generated automatically with the
Forms Editor or written directly in the program editor (the Program
Edit menu option). The forms editor allows for multi-line headings
and footings, many levels of subtotalling and sorting, and full
page field positioning, as well as offering many other features.
Relations between files are derived from the links between files,
so here again you must use the Set Link menu option before saving
the report form. Output is non-graphic.
Further Rules for Constructing Queries
In multi-file queries, the user (especially the programmer) must
exercise extra care to ensure that the query is efficient. The following
rules should be observed:
1. Files are processed in the order in which they are mentioned in
the WHERE statement (Query Filter Line). In some cases you will
want to process the smallest file first, in some cases you won't.
You may have to experiment to find the optimum query for a particular
2. Every file reference in the WHERE statement must be part of a chain.
WHERE A=B AND B=C is acceptable, but WHERE A=B AND C=D is not. A
simple rule of thumb is that there should always be one less join
than the number of files in the query.
Superbase Start Options
When you run SBpro from the CLI, you can use the following
optional parameters:
SBpro [-c] [-r] [-fformname] [-p] [-s] [-z]
-c Selects custom screen
-r Disables returns (chr$(13)) when writing to disk files
-f Loads form at startup time
-p Removes remote control panel
-s Removes scroll bars from Superbase window
-z removes sizing gadget and disable sizing
NOTE: Remember to set the stack to at least 8000 before running Superbase
from the CLI.
The start options are also available from the Workbench by setting Tool
Types in the Info for the SBpro icon as follows:
SCREEN=CUSTOM Use custom screen
RETURN=ON Enable returns
RETURN=OFF Disable returns
SYSTEM=NOPANEL|NOSCROLL|NOSIZE Remove panel scroll bars and size gadget
You also may use any combination of the three options in the SYSTEM item.
You can load a form at startup by creating an icon for it with the default
tool set to SBpro and then double clicking on it.
Changes to DML
Programmers should be aware of the following changes, extensions and
undocumented features in Superbase's Database Management Language:
1. The LOOKUP function is case sensitive -- for example, LOOKUP("fred",
Firstname.Address) will not find an occurrence of "Fred".
2. The record SELECT commands (SELECT NEXT, SELECT LAST, SELECT KEY etc)
have been amended so that they now take another optional parameter, FORM.
The effect of this parameter is to activate any multi-file links that
have been set in a form. If it is not used, the SELECT commands only
operate on the current file and ignore any links between files.
FORM must be placed immediately after SELECT. For example, with SELECT
NEXT command, you would enter: SELECT FORM NEXT.
3. The KEY command now accepts a numeric key as well as a string key.
4. The commands EJECT, LOCATE, and FOOTING do not operate when the
current output device is the screen and PAGING is OFF. You can,
however, use LOCATE with paging off to set the column position --
but not the row position.
5. FORM. This command takes another optional parameter, SHOW, which is
used to display external files. If the form contains external file fields,
FORM SHOW is equivalent to clicking on the camera button. The syntax for
FORM is:
FORM [SHOW] [page [, row, column]]
Note that the `page' parameter is now optional. When it is omitted
and the FORM command is used without any following parameters,
Superbase only displays the field data in a form and omits any other
6. The command SET BUFFERS only sets the size of the disk buffers for
the current session. If you want to set the number of buffers to be
saved with the parameters file (SB.PAR), use the new command SAVE SET.
7. SET TABLE/RECORD/FORM can be followed by the ON parameter. This switches
to the specified view mode even if there is a form in memory. Normally
SET TABLE, for example, acts as a toggle between Table view and the form.
If Table view is the current view mode, this command would switch in
the form. SET TABLE ON, however, would leave the current view mode
as it is. The advantage of this option is that it enables the programmer
to select a view mode without having to keep track of what the current
mode is.
8. During the execution of a program, BREAK OFF disables the Stop button
and CONTROL-C; also, you cannot use the space bar to pause during
program execution. When the program has finished, BREAK is turned on
9. Apart from the Stop and Pause button, the remote control panel is
disabled while a program is running. Stop is only disabled if the
BREAK OFF command has been issued, Pause is available at all times.
10. STORE takes another optional parameter, FORM. If FORM is used all the
records in the current form are saved; otherwise STORE only saves the
record which belongs to the current file.
The new syntax for this command is:
STORE [, 0/1/2] [FORM]/[FILE sbfname]
Note that STORE , 2 secures not only the current file but
also any other open files. It is therefore not necessary to
follow it with the FORM or FILE parameters and, in fact,
adding one of these parameters to STORE , 2 will cause an
11. BLANK can also take FORM as an optional parameter. With a multi-file
form, BLANK FORM creates blank records for each file represented in
the form. When the FORM parameter is not included, BLANK only creates
a blank record for the current file.
The syntax for this command is:
BLANK [FORM]/[FILE sbfname]
12. If SELECT DUPLICATE does not find a duplicate of the current index
field, it leaves the current record unchanged.
13. A string function should not contain more than one intermediate
string concatenation. For example,
LEFT$("abcde", LEN("x" + "y"))
contains only one intermediate concatenation and gives the correct
result, but
LEFT$("ab" + "cde", LEN("x" + "y"))
gives the wrong result because it contains two concatenations --
"ab" + "cde" and LEN("x" + "y").
14. Superbase already provides you with equivalents for the system commands
(or disk utilities) Delete, Rename and Copy. If you want to use some of
the other disk utilities without switching screens or exiting from
Superbase, you can do so with the CALL command. On the Amiga, you
This opens a CLI window on the Workbench screen, and you can then type
in and execute any of the AmigaDOS commands. Alternatively, you can
execute a DOS command directly without first typing it in the CLI window.
Thus to list the directory for drive DF1: you would enter:
The directory will then be output in either the CLI window used to run
Superbase or the small Superbase window opened on the Workbench screen.
You may want to use CALL to run a program which requires input from the
keyboard. In this case, you should follow the program file name with the
`<*' parameter, as in:
CALL "fcopy <*"
The effect of this parameter is to redirect input from `stdin',
allowing you to type in data from the CLI window.
15. With commands that set a single file filter using WHERE (for example,
IMPORT, EXPORT and SELECT WHERE) you can include ASK as the parameter
to the WHERE statement. The effect of ASK is to display the standard
filter dialog when the command is executed, thus allowing the user
to set a filter while a program is running. If a filter is present
when ASK is executed, the filter expressions will be presented as a
default for the dialog.
Examples are:
In this example, ASK causes the filter dialog to be presented. Entering
the following filter line (at run-time):
Lastname LIKE "[r-z]*"
would have the same effect as executing the command:
SELECT WHERE Lastname LIKE "[r-z]*"
However, a partial filter like this is not allowed:
SELECT WHERE datefield > ASK
16. ENTER. The parameters for this command can only be used with a form.
With other view modes, ENTER (on its own) places the data entry cursor
in the first open field that is not Read Only.
17. REQUEST. There is now an additional dialog type with the dialog number 19.
This displays a list of the forms in the current directory. Note that
the description in the DML User Guide for dialog type 5 is incorrect.
This dialog provides a list of the fields in the current file.
18. SHOW. The command now takes an optional extension to allow or remove the
menu bar from the EFMS screen:
SHOW [MENU ON/OFF] [field]/[strexpr]
19. ? QUERY. The syntax for this command has been extended to make it easier
to select a device for output. It is no longer necessary to select an
output device before executing ? QUERY. Instead you should specify the
device using the TO parameter. The new syntax is:
? QUERY [TO device]
where `device' can be the printer, an ASCII file or a new `.sbf' file.
If this parameter is not included output is to the screen. The device
options are:
Outputs to the printer.
TO FILE filename
Creates an `.sbf' file on disk under the file name specified.
TO filename
Outputs to the ASCII file specified by `filename'.
19. IF THEN ELSE. The explanation of block IF THEN statements given in
the manual needs to be supplemented by two further points:
* Every block IF THEN statement must end with an END IF statement.
(Example 4 on page 5-69, Volume 2, requires a second END IF after
the last line.)
* Within a block IF THEN statement, you can insert one or more ELSE
IF statements. These are used to extend the number of alternatives
provided by the original block IF THEN (so that it has the same
effect as the CASE statement found in some versions of Basic); but
they do not require additional END IF statements.
The following examples should make these points clear:
? atrue$
? btrue$
? bfalse$
? afalse$
IF a% =1 THEN
? "one"
? "two"
? "three"
? "Not 1 to 3"
New DML Commands
Use this command to set the page size on your printer. It takes the
[SET] PG rows [, columns [, ss]]
where rows specifies the number of rows on the page and column specifies
the number of columns (the page width). ss stands for single sheet and
takes a value of 0 or 1. 0 specifies that single sheet paper is used,
0 specifies continuous stationery, also known as fan-fold paper. SET
is optional.
An example of the use of SET PG would be:
SET PG 50, 65, 1
This line sets the format for a printed page to 50 lines of no more
than 65 characters. It also tells Superbase that the printer takes
continuous stationery.
You can use this command in a program or from the command line to
customize a page for any kind of printed output -- whether you are
printing a text file, record data or a report. However setting up
the printer in Preferences on the Amiga will override the PG settings.
2. SET PRINTER ON [, 0/1] / OFF
This is the program equivalent of selecting Print on the Set menu.
The 0 parameter specifies draft mode printing, and the 1 parameter
specifies graphics mode printing. Use this command in conjunction with
FORM to obtain form printouts. After SET PRINTER ON has been executed,
any output to the screen will also be sent to the printer, so remember
to SET PRINTER OFF when the print operation is complete.
This command saves the Superbase parameter file. It is equivalent to
clicking on OK in the Options dialog. All the parameters that have set
in the dialog (and those that are set elsewhere) will be saved on disk
in the file SB.par.
This command sets the minimum size allowed for the Superbase window.
It takes two optional parameters, the minimum width and height of the
window in pixels, so the full syntax is:
SET MIN [width [, height]]
Maximum width is 640, maximum depth is 183. SET MIN without parameters
allows the programmer to lock the window to its current size while a program
is running. You cannot use SET MIN to set the window larger than its size
when the command is executed. SET MIN can also be executed from the command
line or a function key.
User-Defined Menus
Other points to note in connection with the commands MENU and MENU ON are:
* The first item defines the width of a menu in terms of the number of
characters. When you define the text string parameter for item 1 you may
need to allow for the width of other items in the menu by adding spaces
to the end of the string.
* If you wish to use checkmarks in your menus, remember to leave a space
for the checkmark character when you define the MENU text string -- the first
character in the string should be a space.
* MENU on its own clears all the menu settings (as do ERASE and CLEAR).
* After the MENU ON command has been executed, any menus that have
been defined remain active until an item has been selected. The program
example on page 5-91 of the DML User Guide is slightly misleading on this
point since it suggests that the MENU ON command needs to be executed
repeatedly. A better way of checking whether an item has been selected
would be:
MENU ON a%, b%
ON a% GOSUB sub1, sub2, sub3
GOTO menuloop
Note, however, that the MENU ON command should be executed again
after an item has been selected in order to reset the menu variables to 0.
Changing Text Fonts
Contrary to what is stated in the Forms Editor User Guide, text fonts
can be altered without deleting the text and typing it in again. In fact,
the text font can be treated in the same way as the text style, as one of
the text object's attributes.
To change the font, first select the object by double clicking on it;
then select the new font from the Fonts menu.
Using External Files in a Form
You can use external file fields in a form in the same way as you do in a
database file. The difference is that the external files are displayed
in the field boxes rather than in a separate window. This means that
multiple external files can be displayed at the same time.
When you load the form into Superbase, the box for an external field
will show the data in the current record; i.e., the name of an external
file. To display the file in the box, click on the camera button. If a
box which contains an image file extends beyond the screen, Superbase
will move the form so that it shows as much of the image or text as possible.
The result of entering a box -- by clicking on it, or by pressing Return
after editing the previous field in the field order -- differs according
to whether it contains a text file or an image file. If you enter a text
box, Superbase replaces the box with the Text Editor window (which is
given the same dimensions as the box). You can then edit the text in the
normal way. Closing the Text Editor window or clicking in another part of
the screen, restores the text to the field box, and moves on to the next field.
With images, the effect of entering an external field box is to activate the
image colour map: the image is displayed in its original colours. Otherwise,
the image is displayed in the default colours of the form.
These facilities for showing text and images in external field boxes only
operate if the box is more than one character deep. For this reason, the
first thing you should do after placing an external field on a form (in the
Forms Editor) is resize it.
Amiga Colour Palette
On the Amiga, the Colour Palette option (in the Attributes window) has
been altered to reflect this computer's special colour features. The
Palette now works in the same way as the Preferences colour changing
option. It also offers several extra facilities not available in Preferences
or in Gem versions of the Forms Editor.
You may find it helpful to read the section on page 3-9 of the Forms
Editor Guide as an introduction to the ideas underlying this feature,
but for detailed instructions on how to use the palette you should
consult the next section.
Changing the Colour Palette (Amiga only)
When you click on the Colour Palette icon in the Attributes window,
the Forms Editor will present you with the Colour Selection dialog (requester).
At the top, there are three sliders for defining a colour in terms of its
RGB (Red, Green and Blue) values and a box showing the currently selected
colour. The set of colours available to you is shown below in the same format
as in the Attributes window -- as two rows of eight colours. If you have
previously set the resolution to 4 or 8 colours, only the first 4 or 8
colours will be available and the rest of them will be ghosted.
To change one of the colours in the Palette, first select it by clicking on
its box in the colour panel. The Forms Editor will then do two things: it
will display the colour in the box at the top left-hand corner of the
Colour Selection, and it will reset the sliders to reflect the RGB values
for the colour you have selected. You can now change the colour by moving
the sliders in the same way as you would if you were using Preferences.
When you have finished, click on OK to return to the current Forms Editor
By using this technique, you could define all the colours in the Palette,
setting the RGB values for each of them in turn. The Forms Editor also
provides several other options which allow you to change a number of colours
at a time. These options are indicated by the buttons below the colour panel.
The Copy button enables you to copy a colour from one box to another. The
procedure is as follows: first, click on the colour you wish to copy;
second, click on the Copy button; third, click on the target colour to
which the first colour is to be copied.
With the Range button you specify the two colours at either end of the
range and the Forms Editor then adjusts the colours in between. If you
specified white and dark blue, for example, the colours in between would
be changed to shades of blue from light to dark.
To set a colour range, click on the colour which is to form the starting
point (or the end point) for the range, click on the Range button,
then click on the colour at the other end of the range.
The Read Prefs button at the right of the colour panel changes the first
four colour boxes to the colours that have been set in Preferences. The
Reset button reverses the effects of any changes you may have made and
restores the colours that were set before you selected the Colour Palette.
Report Functions
Apart from COUNT the report functions -- SUM, MIN, MAX, MEAN, VAR
and S.D. -- can only be used with numeric fields. These functions operate
either on all the records in a group (if used in an AFTER GROUP section)
or on all the records in the report (in an AFTER REPORT section).
Gives the field total for all the records in a group or report.
Returns the minimum value of the specified field among the records in
a group or the report.
Returns the number of records in a group or the report. Unlike the other
functions, COUNT should not be followed by a field name -- it operates
on the field specified in the REPORT or GROUP box.
Returns the maximum value of the specified field among the records in a
group or for the report.
Returns the average value of the field data in a group or in the whole
VAR (Variance)
Provides a measure of the spread of the data from its mean.
S.D. (Standard Deviation)
Provides a measure of the spread of the data from its mean -- for the
field data in a group or over the entire report.
Amiga Images
When you add an image to the page, the Amiga version of the Forms Editor
gives you a choice over the colours the image takes. A dialog appears with
the message:
Use image colour map?
Clicking on OK selects the image colour map and resets the colour palette
to those colours. If you click on Cancel, the image will be displayed
using current range of colours as shown in the Attributes window. The form
designer should ensure that only images compatible with the resolution and
colour of the form are used.
Calculation Types
The calculations you add to a form have a number of features
which are not covered in the Forms Editor guide (you should
ignore the calculation examples given in the guide). In fact,
with forms that are designed to be used in Superbase,
calculations can play a far more important role than is suggested
in the guide. This section describes these features in detail.
Calculations take the same names as DML variables. If they are
intended to store string data, the last character must be `$'; if
they are used to store numeric data, the last character must be
`%'. Calculations referred to by another calculation must
already have been added to the form.
When you create a calculation, you will be presented with a
calculation dialog where you enter the formula for the
calculation. Initially, it will show a list of the fields in the
current file which have been added to the form. If you want to
refer to other calculations in the formula, click on the multi-
file gadget. The calculation names will then be listed as if they
were fields belonging to a file called FORMCALCS.
There are four different types of form calculation, and each has
its own syntax.
1. Blank calculations. These are calculations which do not have
a formula attached to them. They provide a means of
interacting with a form from a program and can be treated as
program variables.
To define a calculation of this type, first enter its name
and then, without entering a formula, click on OK in the
formula dialog. Once the form has been loaded into Superbase,
the calculation can be used as a link between the form and a
program. This works both ways: you can assign a value to a
calculation-variable either by typing it in the calculation's
box on the form or by executing an assignment statement in a
Suppose, for example, you defined a blank calculation with
the name fred%. In the form's field order fred% is number 5.
If you wanted to input data to a program from the form which
contains fred%, you would include the program line:
When this line is executed, the input cursor will appear on
screen in the box belonging to fred% and the value entered by
the user will be assigned to fred%. If you now executed the
Memory command, fred% and its contents will be listed along
with all the other program variables. And any other DML
commands which operate on variables, such as CLEAR, will also
work with a calculation variable.
To assign the value 22.5 to fred% from within the program,
you would execute the statement:
fred% = 22.5
This value will then be shown in the calculation box when the
form display is next updated.
Note that ENTER is the only input command that can be used
with a form. Forms are object oriented rather than character
oriented so you cannot use ASK or GET in combination with
LOCATE. Another point to note is that you can only identify a
calculation by its field order number; a command such as:
ENTER fred%
will not work.
2. Standard calculations. These function in the same way as the
calculations which are attached to fields, and they take
exactly the same syntax. In fact, they can be regarded as a
special kind of field which only exists on a form.
The calculation name should not occur in the calculation
formula unless it is a self-referencing calculation. Instead
the result is automatically assigned to the calculation when
the formula is performed; that is, after each of these
* Saving a record * Moving the cursor through the calculation box
* Clicking in the calculation box
* Retrieving another record, e.g. by clicking on the Next
Record button or with the command SELECT NEXT
* When you press Return after entering data in the box (only
possible if the calculation is not Read Only)
Typically, this type of calculation is used to derive a total
from the contents of other calculations or fields and then to
display it on the form. Another application would be to
display a date by using the keyword TODAY in the formula.
Examples are:
Calculation name Calculation formula
subtot1% Quantity * Price
name$ Left$(Firstname, 1) + ". " + Lastname
If you want to create a self-referencing calculation (see
Self-referencing Formulas, Chapter 2, Volume 1), you need to
add the calculation to the page and then edit it.
3. LET calculations. The formula for this type of calculation
must start with an assignment statement with LET as the first
word. It is used to assign a calculated value to a field or
another calculation. The field may belong to the current file
or another open file.
An example would be:
LET Amount.invoice = quantity * cost
where this formula is attached to the calculation fred%.
Quantity times Cost will be evaluated in the same
circumstances as for type 2 calculations and the result will
displayed on screen in the calculation box belonging to
When a new record is retrieved, things happen slightly
differently. The right-hand part of the formula is evaluated
and displayed, but the value is not assigned to the field
named to the left of the equals sign.
As with the other types of calculation, the result determines
whether the calculation should be defined as a string or
numeric variable; i.e. for a string result, the calculation
name must end with the `$' character; for a numeric result,
the name must end with the `%' character.
If you are using a LET calculation to send or `post' data to
a record in another file, remember to save the record after
completing a task.
4. Executable calculations. These calculations contain program
statements which are executed when the user passes through the
calculation box or clicks on it.
A calculation of this type must begin with a DML command as opposed
to the name of a variable, field or calculation. But, to distinguish
it from other types of calculations, the command word should not be
Apart from this, executable commands follow the same rules as for
command line statements. Almost any single or multi-statement DML
program line can be entered as an executable calculation. This
provides immense scope for creating powerful forms with their own
built-in processing facility.
At the simplest level, you could use an executable calculation to
assign strings to function keys for use in data entry. For example:
Key 1, "London": Key 2, "New York": Key 3, "Paris": Key 4, ...
More complex applications include running a program, executing another
calculation, etc.
You can even use the calculation itself as a variable into which the
user can enter a value. Thus the following command string could be assigned
to the calculation f$:
IF f$ = "A" THEN ..... ELSE .....
To force a calculation, make it Read Only and next in order.
You can only make a calculation self-referencing by creating then editing it.
Calculation Prefixes
In addition to the four calculation types, there are two prefixes, AFTER and
POST, which can be placed in front of the formulas for types 2 and 3.
The purpose of AFTER is to force a formula to be performed more frequently
than it would be normally. It is followed by an optional field name and
is separated from the rest of the formula by a colon. For example:
AFTER : Quantity * Price
Here AFTER forces the formula to be performed whenever any event occurs
on the form -- if you click on or pass through a field, when you select
a new record, and when the form is saved. In the example above, if the
formula was attached to the calculation aa1%, the result would be displayed
in aa1%'s box every time the user clicked the mouse in the box or in any
other box on the form.
If a field name is supplied, AFTER only takes effect after an event
relating to the field specified. In the example below, we'll assume the
formula is attached to the calculation Tot1%:
AFTER Item: Subtot1% * 1.15
Tot1% will be assigned the result of the formula `Subtot1% * 1.15' after
each of these events:
* the cursor passes through the Item field
* the user clicks in the Item box
* the value of Item changes
* all the usual events that cause evaluation of the formula
Just as there are some calculation formulas which need to be performed
repeatedly -- for these you will use AFTER -- so there are others which
should only be performed once, when a record is saved. With POST, you
can ensure that a result is only stored in a field (posted to another file)
after the other calculations in the form have been carried out.
POST takes the syntax:
POST [LET xxx =] expression
where xxx is a field name and the expression can be another field,
a calculation, or a formula which calculates a result. The expression
is not evaluated until the record is stored, unless the LET part of the
formula is included. If this is the case, the expression is evaluated
subject to the normal rules, but the assignment of LET is not made until
the record is stored.
Take, for example, the formula:
POST LET Cust_Balance.Customers = Cust_Balance.Customers +
Order_Amount could represent the final figure in a series of calculations
which work out the final value of an order. Clearly, we do not want the
total to be stored in the Customers file until all the calculations have
been performed. By preceding the formula with POST we can ensure that this
condition is satisfied. However, intermediate results can be shown on the
form by clicking in the calculation box to which this formula is attached.
* In some circumstances the Update option may skip some of the
records in the file it is updating. The problem occurs when
the update modifies a field which also forms part of the
update filter; for example, it would occur if the update
fields instruction was:
Salary = Salary * 1.075
and the update filter was:
Salary >= L8000
The solution is to enclose the filter statement in
parentheses, as in:
(Salary >= L8000)
If you were running this example update under program
control, you would place the entire WHERE statement within
(WHERE Salary >= L8000)
This solution works by disabling the automatic optimization
which causes the problem.
* If you try to print a line longer than the line length set in
Superbase's Printer options, Superbase will output a Carriage
Return followed by a Line Feed when it reaches the maximum
line length.
* Note that Amiga owners can set a printer initialization
sequence from within Superbase's Set Options dialog. This
allows you to set the features and modes you prefer. The
sequence of control codes is sent to the printer each time
you perform a printing operation from within Superbase. If a
sequence is present Superbase does not send the `Skip over
perforation OFF' and `Set page length' codes that are
normally sent when the printer is accessed.
* The output format parameters BF, UL, IT enable you to set
different print styles within a report or in the output from a
query. If you wish to set other printing features, you can do
so by using the CHR$ function to insert the appropriate printer
control codes. With a report which has been generated in the Forms
Editor, you will need to insert the control code sequences in the
report program. In a query, you can simply enter them in the query
fields line. For example, on some Epson printers, the sequence 27,
14 selects enlarged print, and the control code 20 turns it off. To
output the data for one field in enlarged print, your query Fields
line might look like this:
Firstname, Lastname, CHR$(27);CHR$(14);City;CHR$(20), Street
Note that some control codes may be inappropriately
interpreted by the printer device, in which case you should
set Print Raw on the Options requester to bypass the
* Path names. Superbase accepts path names up to 40 characters
long (not including the file name).
* File Names. Avoid using the characters : ? # / ; or the space
character. When using a file name as an argument to a command
such as OPEN FILE, it must always be inside quotation marks.
However, a file name used to extend a field name, e.g.
Name.Customers, need not be inside quotes, unless it includes
non-alphanumeric characters, i.e. other than a-Z and 0-9.
Superbase supplies quotes when necessary during dialog
selections, but if you type a command line in directly be
sure to observe this rule.
* The Duplicate option on the Record menu re-initializes any
constant formulas. This means you can duplicate a record
which contains the constant formula SER without duplicating
its serial number. Similarly, if a file uses the constant
formula TODAY, creating a new record by duplicating an
existing record does not reproduce the original date.
* Superbase and the Forms Editor require a large amount of chip
memory when printing a form in graphics mode. If your Amiga
only has 512K RAM, the graphics print option may not be
* The DML LABELS examples on page 5-78 are wrong. Example 1
should not suggest that the command can extend over more than
one line; example 2 requires the keyword FILE after LABELS.
* The normal New Line sequence on the Amiga is a CHR$(10) (line
feed). On most other machines and in Superbase, the default
New Line sequence is CHR$(13) CHR$(10) (carriage return, line
feed). The CHR$(13) may be suppressed, for example to achieve
compatibility with the ED editor, by setting RETURN=OFF in
the Tool Types list of the Superbase icon, which may be
modified using the Workbench Info option.
* GET and WAIT (1). Control characters can be returned in GET
and WAIT statements. If these are saved in a file which is
subsequently LISTed, they will generate the "File contains
non-text characters" error. Note also that CONTROL-C, the
standard interrupt key, does not stop program execution if
returned in GET or WAIT. It is up to the program to detect
the value and act appropriately.
* GET and WAIT (2). WAIT makes the window active before it
starts waiting for input, so if the window becomes inactive
for any reason you cannot reactivate it. If this is a problem
for your application, use GET instead; however, you will not
be able to input into any other window, such as a CLI window,
because GET continually reactivates the Superbase window.
* The CLEAR statement must be placed last on a program line.
* You may want to convert Superbase text files (`.sbt' files)
to ASCII files. The technique for doing this is:
1. Rename the `.sbt' file, giving it a different extension.
E.g., rename `Merge.sbt' as `Merge.asc'.
2. Load the file into the Text Editor. Its name will not appear
in the list of files presented by the Project Open
dialog and you will have to type it into the dialog box
(remember to include the extension name).
3. Delete the lines containing information about ruler
lengths. These will be blank lines except for two figures
which give the start and end points for the ruler that is
attached to the following pactivate it. If this is a problem
for your application, use GET instead; however, you will not
be able to input into any other window, such as a CLI window,
because GET continually reactivates the Superbase window.
* The CLEAR statement must be placed last on a program line.
* You may want to convert Superbase text files (`.sbt' files)
to ASCII files. The technique for doing this is:
1. Rename the `.sbt' file, giving it a different extension.
E.g., rename `Merge.sbt' as `Merge.asc'.
2. Load the file into the Text Editor. Its name will not
appear in the list of files presented by the Project Open
dialog and you will have to type it into the dialog box
(remember to include the extension name).
3. Delete the lines containing information about ruler
lengths(strexpr, nexpr1[, nexpr2])
MID$ is more flexible than LEFT$ and RIGHT$ as it can extract characters from
any point in a string.strexpr holds the string, and nexpr1 gives the starting
point in the string.nexpr2 specifies the length of the substring to be
extracted; if nexpr2 is not given, MID$ takes all the characters from the
starting point to the end.
1 textfieldc=MID$(textfielda, 10, 10)
2 textfieldc=LCASE$(MID$(textfielda, 8))
3 MID$(textfielda, 12, 1)LIKE[a-c]
4 x$-MID$(textfieldc, 19, 2)
5 x$=(x$, 4)
6 ? MID$(x$, 4, 2)
7 ASK;A$:
FOR n%=I% TO 1 STEP -1
B$=B$ + MID$(A$, n%, 1)
? B$
Example 7 inputs a word into A$ and turns it back to front.
Extracts the number of minutes from a numeric value which holds the time in
thousandths of a second.
Usually, nexpr will be a timefield or the result of a TIMEVAL calculation.
1 mnts%=MINS(timefield)
2 ? MINS(NOW - start%);"minutes have elapsed"
Gives the remainder of a numeric expression after it has been divided.
nexpr1 MOD nexpr2
nexpr1 is the number to be divided, nexpr2 is the number that divides into it
(the divisor). MOD returns the remainder when nexpr1 has been divided by
nexpr2. For example:
14 MOD 3
gives 2 as a result. It is equivalent to:
14-INT(14/3) * 3
1 ?(2.53 * 100) MOD 100
The example line strips off the integer part of a number and displays the first
two figures after the decimal place.
Modifies a field definition.
MODIFY field[, ] [field definition string] [, formula] [, formula]
MODIFY is the program equivalent of the EDIT FILE option in PROJECT.
It allows you to alter a field's parameters;for example, the field name
or its length.
The field definition and formula strings take the same form as they do
with the ADD command.
1 MODIFY Forename "Firstname;TXT REQ IXU;15 U;1, 12"
Takes a julian date number and returns the month of the year as a text string.
The same limitations on which julian dates are acceptable apply to this
function as they do to other date functions.
The format of the text string is the full month name regardless of what
current date format is - i.e., January, not Jan).
Associated date functions are DAY DAYS DAY$ MONTH MONTH$ YEAR.
1 textfieldc=MONTHS$(datefielda)
2 textfieldc=MONTH$(datefielda + 90)
3 textfieldc=MONTH$(TODAY)
4 x$=MONTH$(datefielda + VAL(textfielda))
5 x$=MONTH$(DAYS ("11 Jan 85")
6 ? MONTH$(datefielda + 30)
Clears the program area or text area.
On its own, NEW erases any program that is currently in the computer's memory.
When followed by TEXT, it clears the current text editor area of memory.
Following it by or QUERY or UPDATE, clears their respective dialogs.
Unlike the menu options Program New(and Text New)this command does not put you
into the program(or text)editor.
Sends a new line character(or characters)to an output device.
This command prints a new line at the current output device;i.e. with the
screen display, it takes the cursor onto the start of the next line.nexp can
be used to specify more than one new line.
If nexp is not an integer, only the integer part will be taken.
2 FOR i%=1 to 20
? i%:if i% MOD 5=0 THEN NEWLINE i%/5
Example 2 outputs the numbers 1 to 5 with single line spacing, 6 to 10 with
double spacing, and so on up to 20.
Gives the system time.
NOW shows the time of day in hours and minutes, using the current time format.
If you have a real-time clock in your computer or you have set the system time,
this will be the current time.
Note that NOW actually holds the time in thousandths of a second. When you
display the time, Superbase automatically translates it into hours and minutes.
1 ? NOW
3 timefield=NOW
Sets the numeric format in which numbers are displayed.
NUMBASE string
NUMBASE is the program equivalent of the Number Format option in the SET menu.
string must be one of Superbase's valid numeric formats, as listed Chapter 2,
Volume 1. For example, "z99999.00" or "z(+$, 000000.00".
1 NUMBASE "z99999."
Integer only format.
2 NUMBASE "+*****.00"
Numbers displayed with a sign and leading cheque-protect.
Tells DML to branch to another part of the program when an error occurs.
ON ERROR [[GOTO]label]
Normally, DML halts program execution and displays an error message when it
detects an error. ON ERROR enables error trapping, and prevents the program
from halting. Once an error has been detected, it causes the program to jump
to the error handling routine specified with label.
You can use ERRNO in your error handling routine to check on which error has
occurred, and take appropriate action. In many cases, you will want the program
to resume execution after detecting an error. You can do this with the RESUME
To disable error trapping, use ON ERROR without a following label.
check:IF ERRNO 11 THEN
ELSE? "Are you sure you want to exit from this program?"
? "Press Y to exit, any another key to resume"
In this example, ON ERROR is used to check whether the Stop button has been
clicked on or CTRL C has been pressed. Both these events generate error number
11, so the error handling routine(which starts at label 'check')first tests
for this error number. If it finds that another error event has occurred,
program execution is resumed at the line which caused the error. The error
handling routine then asks if the user wishes to exit or not. Depending
on the answer it receives, it either resumes execution at the line which
caused the error (the line being executed when the user pressed STOP or
CTRL C)or terminates the program.
Calls one of a number of subroutines from a list of subroutines.
ON nexp GOSUB label1 [, label2, label3, ...]
This statement transfers program control to one of the subroutines given
in the list. The value of nexp determines which subroutine the program
jumps to. If nexp has valued at 1 the program branches to the subroutine
at the first label, if nexp has a value of 2, it branches to the subroutine
at the second label, and so on.
Once the program has branched to a subroutine, it executes each statement in
turn until it meets a RETURN statement. Then it jumps back to the line
following the ON GOSUB statement.
Any label can be repeated.
If nexp is 0 or greater than the number of supplied labels, program control
drops to the next statement after the ON GOSUB statement.
1 ON x% GOSUB lab1, lab2, lab3
2 ON x% GOSUB lab1, lab2, lab1, lab2, lab1
Branches to one of a list of labels.
ON nexp GOTO label [, label, ....]
This command transfers program control to one of the program lines given in
the list. The value of nexp determines which label the program jumps to.
If nexp has valued at 1 the program branches to the first label, if nexp
has a value of 2, it branches to the second label, and so on. For a general
description of GOTO refer to GOTO itself.
nexp should be a positive integer. If it is not an integer, the whole number
part will be taken.
Any label can be repeated.
If nexp is 0 or greater than the number of supplied labels, program control
drops to the next statement after ON GOTO.
1 ON x% GOTO lab1, lab2, lab3
2 ON x% GOTO lab1, lab2, lab1, lab2, lab1
? "Reached here only when x% is 0 or greater than 5
Opens a text file on disk or Comms channel for input/output.
When used for output to a file, OPEN has the same effect as OUTPUT TO file.
There is only one channel for INPUT, and one for OUTPUT, so you cannot have
two output channels, or two input channels. However, you can have one of
each open at the same time.
APPEND is an output channel and specifies that file is to be appended to. You
must not try to specify OPEN "aaa" FOR OUTPUT APPEND.
If using OPEN, file is overwritten without warning.
If using APPEND, file need not exist.
If using INPUT, file must exist.
lab1:INPUT LINE a$:? a$
Example 3 appends the contents of file 'bbb' to file 'aaa'. Notice that the
last line of the program CLOSEs the files that OPEN has opened. This practise
is strongly recommended:you should always close a file when you have finished
writing to it.
Loads a form from disk and displays it in the database window.
form must be a string expression giving the file name of a form. Superbase
will also open any database files associated with the form.
1 OPEN FORM "Invoice"
Specifies which fields are displayed.
OPEN FIELDS [FILE sbfname] fieldlist
This command is the program equivalent of the Open Fields option on the
Project Menu. fieldlist consists of the list of fields required to be open.
To remove any restrictions on which fields are shown, use the CLOSE FIELDS
1 OPEN FIELDS FILE "Address" Firstname, Lastname, Country, City
Opens a database file and its default index.
OPEN FILE sbfname [;password]
Note the distinction between OPEN FILE "aaa" which opens a database file, and
OPEN "aaa"(FOR INPUT)which opens a text file.
sbfname is compulsory, and if a password is required to access the file, then
it is also compulsory (use a semicolon to separate the filename from the
INDEX followed by a field name may be added to the end of an OPEN FILE
command, allowing you to select an index other than the default index.
But it can only be used if the file has already been opened by a direct
command or an earlier program line. As explained in the entry for the
INDEX command, DML parses the whole line before executing it;so if you
refer to a field, it must be a field in a file that already been opened.
Otherwise an error will result.
1 OPEN FILE "aaa"
2 x$="bbb":OPEN FILE x$
3 OPEN FILE "aaa";"John"
In example 3, 'John' is the password for the file 'aaa'.
Sets the order for Query output.
ORDER [&nexpr]field[ASCENDING/DESCENDING] [, field]
ORDER is a Query Language command and can only be entered in a query section
-i.e., it works in conjunction with the Query Language command Select.
This command is the program equivalent of the Order command line in the query
definition dialog: it takes the same syntax and serves the same purpose. The
field specified with the ORDER command determines the order in which the field
in the SELECT line are output. If you are familiar with the concept of sorting,
you can think of ORDER as setting the sort 'key' for query output.
field must be a field in an open file, but it does not need to be an indexed
field; nor does it have to be one of the fields in the SELECT line.
ASCENDING and DESCENDING allow you to specify whether data is sorted in
ascending or descending order. If you specify a text field with the ORDER
command - i.e., if you specify it as the sort key-Supervase outputs record
data according to the alphabetical order of the sort field. DESCENDING
reverses the order and sorts the field from Z to A.
With numeric, date and time fields, ASCENDING sorts data in numeric, date
or time order; and DESCENDING reverses the order.
By default, fields are sorted in ascending order;so it not strickly necessary
to include the ASCENDING parameter.
You can also specify more than one field in the ORDER line, separating each
with a comma. If enter two fields, the first field takes precedence as a sort
key over the second field; i.e., records are first sorted according to the
first field, and then any duplicate data items are sorted according to the
second key.
The same applies if there are more than two fields:the second key has
priority over the third, the third has over the fourth, and so on.
The examples illustrate how ORDER works by taking a limited set of records
and showing some of the different ways in which they may be sorted. Each
record contains data from three fields, Firstname, Lastname, and Country.
1 SELECT Firstname, Lastname, Country
ORDER Lastname
This examples takes Lastname as the sort key and produces the following
Pierre Arnauld France
William Carter USA
Gerde Hemrich West Germany
John Miles England
Anne Richardson USA
Peter Smith England
Robert Brown England
2 SELECT Firstname, Lastname, Country
ORDER Country
The output from this query would be as follows:
Robert Brown England
John Miles England
Peter Smith England
Pierre Arnauld France
William Carter USA
Anne Richardson USA
Gerde Hemrich West Germany
3 SELECT Firstname, Lastname
The output from this query is:
Gerde Hemrich
William Carter
Anne Richardson
Pierre Arnauld
Robert Brown
John Miles
Peter Smith
4 SELECT Firstname, Lastname, Country
ORDER Country, Firstname
This example uses Country as the primary sort key and Firstname as the
secondary key to produce the following output:
John Miles England
Peter Smith England
Robert Brown England
Pierre Arnauld France
Anne Richardson USA
William Carter USA
Gerde Hemrich West Germany
The default length for sorting is 15 characters per field. Superbase gives
equal weighting to upper case, lower case and accented instances of characters.
The & character followed by a value up to the length of the field may precede
any field, specifying the number of characters that will be used in sorting.
Opens a text file on disk for output.
OUTPUT TO filename
This command makes the disk the current output device and sends any future
output to filename. It has the same effect as OPEN filename FOR OUTPUT.
If the text file already exists on disk, any output command issued after
OUTPUT TO, will overwrite the file. If you want to add data to an existing
text file, use OPEN filename FOR APPEND.
1 OUTPUT TO "Names"
? Lastname
NOTES Example 1 stores the contents of the Lastname field(in the current
record)on disk in the text file Names.
Sets new password(or none)for a specified file.
PASSWORD sbfname [;passwords]
sbfname must be an open file and, as usual with filenames, must be included
in quotation marks.
If no password is given, the existing password for the specified file is
1 OPEN FILE "aaa;John"
Removes passwords.
2 PASSWORD "aaa;Rosebud"
Sets a password for the file 'aaa'.
3 OPEN FILE "aaa;John"
PASSWORD "aaa;John;Paul;George"
Adds passwords for read/write and read only access privileges.
Return the column position of the print head on the current output printer or
resets the print head's position.
If nexpr is zero, the function returns the column position of the print head
on the current printer. For the Row position, see PROW. See also LOCATE.
You can also use this function to set the counter Superbase uses to keep
track of the print head's position. Giving nexpr a positive value, sets
the counter to that value. The print head itself is not moved. This feature
is used to reset the internal count after issuing a series of printer
commands which have not in fact moved the print head, for example, after
switching to high density graphics mode.
1 x%=PCOL(0)
2 ? PCOL(0)
Sets the data pointer to a new position in an ASCII file.
When you read data from an ASCII file on disk, Superbase uses an internal
pointer to keep track of it. The OPEN file FOR INPUT command sets the pointer
to zero, the position of the first character in the file. Thereafter it is
incremented by one for each character that is input using the INPUT command.
POSITION sets the pointer to the character position specified by nexpr.
Normally, the data in an ASCII file is read into the computer sequentially.
With Position, you can input character data on a more selective basis.
You will only be able to take advantage of this command if you know where the
data is stored in a file. Superbase stores data in variable length fields(as
opposed to fixed length fields):when you create an ASCII file from an '.sbf'
file by exporting it, the amount of space occupied on disk by field data may
vary from record to record. This means that there is no simple way of knowing
the position of any particular field or record.
One solution to this problem is to create an ASCII file from a database file
using the query option Output to Disk. When you do this, Superbase stores
the data in fixed length fields-each field takes the length set in the file
definition. You can then work out the number of characters occupied by a
record in the ASCII and use this figure to retrieve specific records or
fields. For example, if the record length was 49 characters, you would enter:
to retrieve the fifth record in the file(you need to add one because the
first character position is zero).
1 OPEN "Cust.asc" FOR INPUT
FOR n%=0 to 76 * 12 STEP 77
INPUT & 15, a$
? a$
This example inputs the first field from the first twelve records in the
ASCII file Cust.asc. It assumes that the record length is 77 characters
and that the length of the first field is 15 characters.
Sends information to the printer.
PRINT, followed by a semicolon and nothing else, selects the printer as the
current output device. The ? command can then be used to send information to
the printer. You can also use PRINT to output information directly to the
printer, by following the command with one or more expressions. But note that
any use of PRINT makes the printer the current output device.
The items in the expression list following the Print command may be separated
by a semicolon or a comma. If a semicolon is used, Superbase will print the
expressions one after the another without any spaces in between; a comma has
the effect of inserting a space between items. In some circumstances, you may
also dispense with separators altogether. Thus, provided it can distinguish
between different items, Superbase will accept a list of expressions which
are entered on the line head to tail; for example:
PRINT a$b$c%"Hello"
2 PRINT BF "The items in the following list will be printed in bold face"
PRINT "One", "Two", "Three";CHR$(12)
The first example prints the current program's variables and their contents.
Example 2 prints a list of items, and then sends the form feed character -
CHR$(12)-to the printer. Both examples use the DISPLAY command to make the
screen the current output device after the print operation is finished.
Saves the current program in an encrypted form.
PROTECT filename
Use this command to ensure that program files are not seen by anyone else. It
stores a file on disk in an encrypted(scrambled)form so that it can be run but
not edited.
If the first line of a program is a REM statement, PROTECT displays that line,
but hides the rest of the program from any attempt to edit or LIST it.
1 PROTECT "myprog"
Returns the row position of the print head on the current output printer.
If nexpr is zero, the function returns the row position of the print head
on the current printer. For the Column position, see PCOL. See also LOCATE.
Giving nexpr a positive value resets Superbase's internal row counter. See
1 x%=PROW(0)
2 ? PROW(0)
Exits from Superbase.
This has same effect as selecting the Quit option from the Project menu. It
exits from Superbase and returns the user to the desktop interface.
Reads the data given in a DATA statement and assigns it to a variable or field.
READ var/field[, var/field] [, .....]
The types of variables or fields used with a READ command must match the types
of data expected-numeric variables or numeric fields for numeric data and
string variables or string fields for string data.
DML uses a pointer to keep track of where it is in the list of DATA items;
that is, each time a data item is read, DML moves the pointer on to the
next item in the list. If you wish to read the same data again, you can
place a label in
front of a DATA statement and use RESTORE.
1 READ a%, b$, fielda.filea, fielda.fileb
Counts the number of records in a file.
This function returns a number showing how many records there are in the file
specified. You can use the empty string as an argument-RECCOUNT("")-to refer
to the current file.
1 ? RECCOUNT("Orders")
2 x%=RECCOUNT(x$)
3 OPEN FILE("address")
FOR n%=1 to RECCOUNT("address")
Example 3 displays all the records in the file "address" in turn.
Inserts a non-executable comment(a remark)into a program.
REM has the effect of cancelling any statements after it. This makes
it useful when you are testing a program-placing it at the start of a
multi-statement line puts the following statements temporarily out of
action. More generally, use REM to annotate a program in order to explain
how it works or what it does.
A single quotation mark after a command without an intervening colon
also acts as a REM statement.
1 REM this is a remark
2 ....:FILE "aaa" open aaa
3 ....:FILE "aaa":REM open aaa
4 FILE "aaa":REM eliminate next commands:INDEX abc:SELECT
Examples 2 and 3 have identical effects and demonstrate the two different
ways of entering a comment. In example 4, the REM statement means that
the INDEX and SELECT FIRST commands are not executed.
Removes a database file from disk, along with its associated definition and
index files.
REMOVE sbfname
This command operates in the same way as the Remove File menu option.
Note that you are not asked for confirmation-the file is just removed.
Removes records which match the conditions specified.
REMOVE FROM FILE sbfname[WHERE conditions]
This command works in the same way as the equivalent PROJECT-REMOVE-FILE menu
option. It deletes records from a file on disk.
FILE sbfname has to be open, and if the file requires a password, you must
have full access to it.
WHERE conditions is optional and is set up in the same way as a filter. If it
is not included, the command acts on all the records in a file.
1 REMOVE FROM FILE "aaa" WHERE Lastname LIKE "[a-c]*"
This empties the file of all its data.
Removes an index on the current file from disk.
This command works in the same way as the Remove Index option on the Project
menu. The file must be open, and, if it requires a password, you must have
full access privileges.
index is the name of an indexed field. It can be entered with a file extention.
1 REMOVE fielda
2 REMOVE fieldb.aaa
Renames a file on disk.
RENAME old.filename[, /TO]new.filename
This command works in the same way as the RENAME command in MS DOS or Amiga
DOS, but allows you to rename a file without exiting from Superbase. You have
the option of using either a comma or the keyword TO as the separator between
the two file names.
1 RENAME "aaa", "bbb"
2 RENAME "aaa" TO "bbb"
Reorganizes the current file or a specified file.
REORGANIZE [FILE sbfname] [TO]sbfnameb
This command is the program equivalent of the Reorganize option on the System
menu(see Chapter 8, Volume 1). It takes a file on disk, reorganizes it, and
stores it as sbfnameb. IF the FILE option is not used, the current file is
sbfnameb can include the pathname for another directory or disk. If you enter
a pathname without a file name following it, the file will be reorganized
under the same name.
Note that you cannot reorganize a file under the same name in the same
directory;i.e. if a pathname is not supplied, sbfnameb must not be the same
as sbfnamea.
1 FILE "aaa":REORGANIZE TO "copy"
2 REORGANIZE "aaa" TO "a:mydir\"
3 REORGANIZE "aaa" TO "DF1:Mydir/"
Example 1 creates a reorganized file 'copy' in the current directory,
Example 2 creates a reorganized file 'aaa' in directory mydir on the disk in
drive a (or, in example 3, drive DF1 on the Amiga).
Replicates a character a given number of times.
REPLICATE(strexp, nexp)
REPLICATE repeats the character in strexpr the number of times given in nexp.
1 textfieldc=REPLICATE("*", 10)
2 x$=REPLICATE(textfieldc, 4)
3 x$=REPLICATE(MID$(x$, 4, 2), 6)
4 x$=REPLICATE (" ", 25)
Example 4 fills x$ with 25 spaces, but see function SPACE$.
Specifies the field or fields on which totals(and other report
statistics) will be produced for the report as a whole.
REPORT [SUMMARIZE] [params]fieldname[, fieldname][, ....]
Report has two uses. When you create a Report with the Forms Editor,
Superbase generates a Report statement by noting the fields which have
been specified in an AFTER REPORT section;i.e., if the AFTER REPORT
section in a Report program contains the statements:
? SUM amount
? COUNT deposits
Superbase will generate the following line in the program:
REPORT amount, deposits
If you are writing a Report program yourself (as opposed to modifying a
program generated by Superbase), you should remember to enter a Report
statement including the names of any fields for which you wish totals and
other report statistics to appear.
The second application for REPORT is a query language command. In this
context, it allows you to create a program line which is equivalent to
the REPORT command line in the query definition dialog.
REPORT is used here to specify the fields for which totals and other
When you use the SUMMARIZE option, Superbase suppresses the main detail
of the report and prints just the summary information.
Displays a Superbase dialog.
REQUEST text1, text2, type[, nvar[, strvar[, len]]]
REQUEST allows you to select one of Superbase's dialogs and display it on
screen. To some extent you can also customise a dialog to your own
requirements. Thus you can place a title in box, and you can specify the text
string that initially appears in the dialog's command line or selection box.
For certain dialogs, it also possible to specify the length of the box.
text 1 and text2 are the first and second line of the dialog title. They must
be included although they can be "". The maximum length for each line is 50
type is the dialog type. It defines the type of dialog according to the table
shown below.
nvar is a numeric variable. It returns a value of 1 if OK is selected and there
is an entry into the string dialog. If CANCEL is selected or there is no entry
into the string dialog, it returns 0.
strvar can be used with dialogs which have a string entry box and has two
It is used to place a default value into the string box, i.e., the text string
in strvar is entered into the string box when the dialog is displayed.
It returns the string which the user enters inGOTO lablook
Example 1 puts an "OK" dialog up for 2 seconds. Example 2 allows the user to
select a program to run. Example 3 in essence duplicates the key lookup
function from the ? button on the Superbase Control Panel. Note the
concatenation of the first title line of the dialog on the third from last
Moves the data pointer back to the first DATA statement, or to a specified
The data pointer is the internal pointer that Superbase uses to keep track of
which DATA statements have been read. Initially it has a value of zero and
points to the first DATA statement. As you READ data into variables or fields,
the data pointer is increased by one for every data item read.
This command resets the data pointer. If you do not specify label, the data
pointer is reset to the beginning of the first DATA statement. If you specify
label, the data pointer is reset to the data statement following the label.
2 RESTORE datalabel1
Resumes execution after an error.
The RESUME command works in conjunction with the ON ERROR GOTO command which
is used to trap program errors.
RESUME, on its own, returns program control to the statement that caused the
error. When NEXT is included, the statement returns program control to the
statement after the one which caused the error.
label transfers program control to the label specified.
End Of Part 2